Myrtle Beach Beaches & Water Activities
Do It All… Fishing, Water Skiing, Swimming, Kayaking, Jet Skiing, Wakeboarding, Bird Watching, Shell Fishing, Party Boating. The Good Life is right here on the water.
Coquina Harbour, Hague Marina, Harbourgate Marina, Anchor Marina, B.W.’s, Cricket Cove, Vereen’s Marina, Myrtle Beach Yacht Club, North Myrtle Beach Marina, Osprey Marina, Lightkeeper’s Village Marina, Mariner’s Point, Silver Coast Marina.
The Grand Strand is made up of 60 miles of white sandy beaches that stretch from Little River to Georgetown and two oceanside state parks.
Wilmington, North Carolina. Make a day trip of it! Cruise on up to historic Wilmington and dock on the Cape Fear River. Have lunch right in Wilmington’s downtown waterfront.
Charleston, South Carolina. Stop in historic Georgetown for lunch on your way to Charleston. You’ll pass by beautiful rice plantations, and you may see dolphins playing in Winyah Bay!